Monday 7 November 2011

under a blue moon

brushstrokes sweeping over maps
half folded on the untidy table,

pages merge on the silvered canvas,
boundaries slide,
roads are unfurling,
mountain and valley liquid now,
towns flow and swish,
a new landscape shimmers,

and its happening outside too.


  1. Hi -- just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your essay on Lady with an Ermine. Beautiful piece, a pleasure to read!

  2. Thank you Kirsten - but I am Francesca Kay the poet, not Francesca Kay the novelist! I hope you enjoy my blog however, even though I am a different Francesca Kay to the one you were expecting!

  3. Oh wow, now how many times has that happened to you? :-) I do enjoy the poetry! And I shared your blog with some of my facebook friends as well :-)

  4. I am so glad you enjoy my poems - thank you! I rather like the idea of a Francesca Kay who writes prose, and another Francesca Kay who writes poetry. I live in hope of finding an artist, and perhaps a musician as well - wouldn't that be great:-)
