Saturday 30 March 2013

Cardiff Children's LitFest. Photos. Poetry.

Here are some photos of my poetry performance in Cardiff Central Library as part of the Children's LitFest.

I am performing Spiky Hedgehog, which is one of my oldest and most favourite poems, which has actions for the children to join in with, and is always hugely noisy and enjoyable.
 This photo I really like!
At rest again.

Many thanks to Jennifer Haywood for the photos.


  1. Looks like you've got them eating out of your hand, how lovely. At the best of times when I was teaching, I could positively bribe children with the promise of certain poems, though not my own.

  2. Thank you! I drove home with a terrible headache from laughing so much, and was happy to have it.

  3. Spiky Hedgehog is one of my favourite poems of yours. The children always love it!
