Monday 6 May 2013

haiku. ludwig van. clockwork orange

ludwig van
the glorious Ninth -
gorgeosity made flesh
O my brothers, O!

Celebrating Beethoven, and Clockwork Orange,
with letterpress and a page from the book.

I am making a series of cards of composers names, to take to the fair at the Diffusion Festival Publishing Weekend in Cardiff on 25th and 26th May.

All the names have to be divisible by three, because I think that's the best look from my beautiful wooden letterpress letters.  Mozart, Brahms, Wagner and Schubert to follow.


  1. Gosh, are those your very own wooden letterpress then? What amazing things to own!

  2. Yes, I went mad and bought a wooden font, and it's absolutely beautiful. Previously I had only bought individual wooden letters, and wooden ampersands, but I couldn't resist. I do have metal fonts which are great, but there is something very seductive about wood. I print with them, but I also spend a lot of time just looking at them!
