Monday 10 June 2013

genuine piece of magic. columbine flowers.

I only know one piece of real magic. Here it is. Aquilegia, or columbine, is a much loved early summer garden flower. Here is a lovely one from my garden,
It's a flower that those who love gardens know really well, and they are a delight in the flower border. The name 'columbine' comes from the latin 'columba' meaning dove. Have another look at the flower. Can you see the little doves?
And now you will always see them. And I think that's a genuine piece of magic.


  1. Oh yes! Thank you.

  2. I was shown this magic about 25 years ago - and have been passing it on ever since. Wonderful, isn't it.

  3. I never knew! I think my mum told me it was because the flower is like a little dancer in a dress, Columbine who goes with Harlequin. But perhaps she made that up! The doves are better.

  4. The flowers are very like a ballerina's dress with fluttering skirt. I think that's lovely too.
