Sunday 9 June 2013

Lohengrin. opera. sandwiches. cake

I usually expect to doze comfortably through the second act of an opera, and awake with some good ideas for poetry in my mind. However, the WNO production of Lohengrin at Wales Millenium Centre this evening was so thrilling and beautiful that I stayed conscious for the whole evening.

Our usual Wagner tribute picnic in the two intervals celebrated the swan, of course. Here are the sandwiches, photographed on a stylish leatherette seat;

and here is the cake, with a curiously relevant cake tin in the background;


  1. I am impressed - I should need a running commentary to understand what was happening on stage. (A while back when the Ring cycle was being shown on TV, I would put the Wiki plot synopsis up and try to read each scene just before I watched it - I still couldn't make it out).

    I could appreciate the cake though...

  2. The great advantage of the Wales Millennium Centre is the surtitles, so you can read what everyone is saying/singing as they say it! I couldn't cope without. And with Wagner, the characters are either saying something transcendent, OR explaining to each other what's going on, so it is easy to follow. The cake was home made - cherry and almond. Yum.
