Sunday 11 May 2014

Printing, Pegasus, and Poetry.

Sunday afternoon, the wind is howling and rain beating down. I am in my shed, printing.
This is the text of a poem about Pegasus. If you look carefully, you can see the errors in my typesetting.
But once that was sorted, I printed onto some pages from an old Romanian book about Roman coins. At least I think that's what it is about. It's one of the books I rescue - so tattered or worn or incomplete that they are never going to be sold. I want the poem to look as though it was part of the original text of the book, but I am not making the print too perfect, or it won't ever be apparent that it's an addition to the page! Fine line to be drawn here.
A lovely opportunity to print the title in one of my new metal fonts. This is 24 point Castellar. Fabulous.

And the finished product hanging up on the washing line. I managed to get three I am happy with, out of six attempts, so that's fine.
I also finished off three other copies of a different poem, with a different look. Here's one of them,

 These prints are coming with me to the Big Skill  craft fair in Hay on 24th to 26th May. It's going to be great fun, and I hope that some of today's prints will find new homes.

Here's a link to their Facebook Page,
I will also be doing Poems While U Wait at the event. Haven't started limbering up for that yet!


  1. Crikey you've been busy. Love that Casteller. Good luck with the fair. I'd love to have come over for a day in Hay, but Number One is deep in GCSEs - you can imagine!

  2. Thank you. I am really looking forward to it, AND to writing the poems while u wait! Oh dear - the stress of GCSEs - it seems so unfair as the summer comes and the weather is good and the young should really be enjoying themselves instead of studying.

  3. That is so clever, you are so clever, especially writing poems while-you-wait. Hope it goes well at the fair.

  4. Thank you. The poems while you wait are in no way great literature, but very enjoyable to do, and it seems that people really like to see something personal to them created instantly. Just hope my mojo is working!
