Wednesday 11 June 2014

Getting Shakespeare ready for an outing to Dinefwr

Back into the printing shed, and preparing for the Dinefwr Literature Festival on 20th to 22nd June.  Today I am getting some Shakespeare cards together.

I really like the come-on-get-on-with-make-your-mind-up tone of this quote, when you leave off the final to be!
The cards are laser prints of the letterpress original, machine stitched onto a white card. I have given up trying to get adhesive to behave, so I have reverted to the sewing machine. This old wooden font gives a lovely print.
I have used a big wooden O for the Muse of fire quote. I really like it!
It's also been used for an O brave new world print, still hanging up to dry. And then the fluttering pennants of words draping down for the inspiring once more unto.
That middle E is really showing us its history, I love it.
And then, from As You Like It, all the world's a stage, using four different types of letter.
A couple more to go, and then moving on to Dylan Thomas.

And after that, preparing my own poetry, although I hardly dare admit it, in such exalted company!
The cards are in my Etsy shop, with a few more images, if you'd like to look.


  1. Francesca, my big brother is one of the volunteers at Dinefwr - I think he does Sundays, so if you see a very tall fair guy called Alan Hart wondering around, say hello to him (I'll tell him to look out for you). Hope it goes really well - love the Shakespeare quotes.

  2. That's great - I will certainly look out for him. I am looking forward to it, but they are long days for the traders - I hope there are lots of sales! Only one way to find out though.
    Glad you like the quotes. I am loving printing with my wooden letters.

  3. Love the wooden letters especially the E and the O. Hope its a great fair :)

  4. Thank you. I am hoping the literature lovers will like my printing and my poems!
