Saturday 1 March 2014

St David's Day cat. Daffodils & the colour blue.

 I picked some daffodils from the garden to mark St David's Day. Flowers look lovely against the blue walls of my kitchen. The cats look good too. Here is Jack, ignoring a house full of soft furnishings, resting on the table.

And just keeping an eye on me in case I try to move him. However, I gave up trying to keep cats off the table a long time ago!

 Happy St David's Day.


  1. What a wonderful blue! Happy St Davids Day to you and your animal housemates.

  2. We're beginning to think the Delinquent Dog's problems might be because he thinks he's a cat...

    Happy St David's day :)

  3. I have only just decorated the kitchen , and feel that had the winter been cold and clear and bright instead of dull and grey, perhaps I would have chosen a different colour! I do love it though.

    A dog that thinks he's a cat - no wonder he has the epithet Delinquent!
