Sunday 23 February 2014

Letterpress printing. Wooden letters. Shakespeare. White spirit.

I have transformed my kitchen into a print room, with the proofing press on the floor

 and a washing line strung between two shelves, in front of a rather exuberant Susie Perring print.
I am making Shakespeare prints,

with my trays of wooden letter on the floor, and on a small table behind the kitchen table.

The proofing press is a beast. I love it.
And I have learned two very important things this morning. First, that white spirit DOES remove printing ink from a stone floor. Second, that it does NOT remove it from pyjama trousers. I suppose there is a third thing. Put on printing clothes before beginning to mess around with ink and type.


  1. Fantastic! What's a bit of printing ink splashed about when you're having so much fun! Perhaps you should set 'out damn spot, out..'

  2. Do you know I had entirely forgotten that quote! It's on the list for the next printfest. Thank you!
