Monday 17 February 2014

5th member of a string quartet - out with the Mavrons.

A gala concert at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama on Saturday. Here is the outside of the theatre in the foyer, which I always think looks a little like the bridge of a spaceship.

The concert was organised by Live Music Now, a fantastic organisation who put talented young musicians together with audiences who don't usually have access to live music, and the concert was a showcase of some of these performers.

I was there with the Mavron Quartet, who were playing a piece by Peter Reynolds called footsteps quiet in the shadows. The title came from a poem of mine, and I read the poem before the quartet played, and after Peter introduced the piece.

Here we are in the very posh dressing room before the performance.
I saw this photo a moment or two after it was taken, and wasn't concerned about being so old (the quartet are very young and energetic), but wasn't too sure about my great big head. So when I found myself alone in the dressing room, I took one photo to make me look as though I am tall and my head is the right size, and another to remind myself that, if nothing else, I have character.

The Mavron quartet played brilliantly, and the whole evening was hugely enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous photos and a fabulous evening. Thank you so much for reading your poem as part of it.
